Monthly Archives: September 2023

nuclear family

Rediscovering Traditional Gender Roles: 5 Steps to Creating a Harmonious Relationship

In recent years, the traditional gender roles of men and women have been blurred and challenged. This has led to confusion and tension in many relationships and families. The idea of a man and woman having distinct roles is often seen as outdated and offensive. However, many people are beginning to recognize the value of…

How Feminism Has Weakened the West: Examining the Impact of Rejecting Traditional Masculine Traits

The rise of feminism has caused a significant change in the west’s idea of what it means to be a man. Masculine traits, once considered desirable, have been rejected in favor of more feminine traits. As a result, the number of masculine men has decreased, leading to a weakening of the west. In the past,…

Understanding the Psychological Effects of a Sexless Marriage on Men

The psychological effects of a sexless marriage on men can be deeply damaging. As a result of this lack of physical intimacy, men may find themselves suffering from depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and feelings of inadequacy. It can become a vicious cycle, as these feelings can further strain the relationship and lead to further isolation…

mother going mad while sitting with children

Exploring the Epidemic of Fatherless Homes and Its Devastating Impact on Society

Fatherless homes have become an epidemic in recent years. In the United States, nearly one-third of all children live in households without a father, and the numbers are growing. This has serious implications for our society, both in terms of the risk of poverty and other social ills, as well as the emotional toll it…

Andrew Tate Update

Andrew and Tristan Tate, renowned online figures known for their provocative content, are now unjustly facing accusations of human trafficking and leading a criminal group in Romania. Andrew has also been wrongfully slapped with a charge of rape. Both brothers, standing firm in their integrity, vehemently deny these baseless allegations. Legal documents from Bucharest seem…